Thursday, May 20, 2010

Miley Cyrus In A Nusthell

In this vid Miley Cyrus is being interviewed about her song Party in the USA. Not only does she readily admit she didn't write it and has no idea about what's going on with the music in it, but also that she doesn't even really like it and she doesn't even like or listen to "pop" music. Which is surprising....since her entire career involves being a part of the pop music industry.

On the one hand I am disturbed by her nonchalance about not knowing or caring about her own music and admitting that she pretty much does things just for the money... but on the other hand I'm kind of glad she admits to not liking it. It shows she has a certain level of sanity.

I think this says a lot about her and the people involved in the pop music world.

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